Saturday, February 27, 2010

We are all fine here

This morning there was a 8.8 magnitude Earthquake in Chile. This is the 5th most powerful Earthquake in the whole world since 1900. It has caused much damage and and many deaths in Chile. Seeing as we are about 1,500 miles from where the quake hit however, we were spared from any noticeable effects here in Buenos Aires. My roommate Jon did tell me that this morning his water bottle fell of his dresser and landed near his head, waking him up, during one of the aftershocks. But other than him we all slept right through any of the effects we had here. I did not hear about the quake until we were at lunch this morning and i saw it on TV. However, the three Colorado guys, headed out to Mendoza (Which is on the Argentine side of the Andes about 100 miles from Santiago) this morning, and have bus tickets to Santiago for tomorrow...they missed the Big One by a matter of hours. Talk about Time and unforeseen occurrence. Currently they are waiting to see if they will even be able to go over into Chile or if they will have to wait in Mendoza.

Our thoughts and Prayers go out to the brothers there of course.

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