Monday, March 7, 2011

English Congregation!!!

So in case you didnt hear this from me, as of this week, we are no longer "el groupo ingles" we are now officially, "la congregacion de la ciudad autonoma de Buenos Aires, inglesa" in other words...the Buenos Aires English Congregation!!!  

Needless to say we were all shocked by the announcement, but it was the most pleasant shock ever! This is especially true, considering that we only had a 1 week gap between the CO visit, and our letter coming back. 

This is the culmination of the years of hard work of so many brothers and sisters. Some of them, like Daniel, and Amalia, have been here the whole time, some of us have been part of the group for a number of years (Bret, Abby, Gilda, Jessica, and Me [more or less]) and others are recent additions. Along the way we also had a lot from help from those who are no longer with us, having moved on (Rodrigo Diaz, Crystal, Jon) and many others who have all played parts large and small in helping us reach this point. 

Now we have a great congregation with an amazing core of brothers and sisters who are going to be here to help out. In addition to our congregation letter, we also recieved happy news that we have a new elder serving in our congregation. 

All in all our total make up of our hall is roughly:

6 elders, 8 servants, 16 or so pioneers, and nearly 50 pubs (now I know a bunch of you are going to comment and correct these figures...please do, I will edit them and repost this). So we are off to a great start. 

Photo Time: 

P.S. Thanks to Gilda for typing out everyone's names in the photo, and for our Canadian visitors for taking the picture for us all. We miss the few brothers that could not be there for the picture, but we all know we are not complete without you. Also I am in the middle/back right see if you can see my "Beeker-esque" looking head sticking up.

Although there are some important people missing this is almost the whole group.
From left to right and front to back

1)Chris-Xerxes-Carlos-Nancy-Chacho-Caro( y sus niñas)
2)Suzanne- Fernando-Travis-Danielle-Mariana-Ryan-Gilda
3)Julie-Cyntia-Estefania-Laura-(Girl from Belgium, dont remember her name:s)-Damaris
6)Justin-(some people i dont see )Marcelo-Joe(the blond baby)-Nick-Garrett-Daniel
Back: Meli,Sebas,Ema,Brad and his baby,Dani standing on the left.

Another shot from the other week of us in service. We already sent away about 8 people when this was taken. So add them in there, and you get one awesome group for Saturday service!

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